End of life

Sad is the day when you realize that many want to welcome you into the world but very few want to hold your hand as you leave it. No one should have to die alone! As a physician I can’t begin to tell you how many hands I have held.

Some patients had no one but many had family that couldn’t be bothered. Why? It breaks my heart that the end of life can be like this for so many.

If anyone has a clue please do tell me. I have a story I will post soon about my patient.

Sending you love from Brooklyn. Guady G

Chose to go like Van Gogh

It was time for my last rites but I couldn’t seem to get it right.

I just wanted to let go so I did just like Van Gogh

No last rites were said for me

What will happen now to me.?

Working in a hospital makes me think about all those that passed on. Covid took so much. Some people feared that Covid would kill them so they took their own lives instead. It’s sad. We only get one life so let’s make it the best one. Do your part in keeping safe.

Sincerely Guady G

Rest in what?

I’m so tired of resting thus I will take a rest.

I will rest in chaos because resting in peace is eternal and I want to live.

With all my love Guady G

Isn’t the English language interesting? Resting in peace is associated with the dying and the dead. Has anyone ever said Rest In Peace to a living person going to rest from a chaotic day? Hmm.


His life had ended in such bloodshed
His heart had stopped they all said

He should have stayed home instead
But he didn’t so now he’s dead

Arise from your slumber I heard someone say
I couldn’t believe it. No way!
The man woke up and saw another day

Do you believe in miracles? I do but then again I have witnessed them. Have you? Sending hugs from Brooklyn.

Guady G